Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Pianist 02

The Pianist 01

The pianist who performs at the local shopping mall every weekend. The crowd loves him they decided to stay one song after the other !

Weekend Sketches 11

This time I went with a bunch of friends. It's so inspiring and it felt like I could do so much more when so many people are around me sketching !!! Anyway, here are a few of those sketches.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Weekday Sketches 01

Some sketches I did over the past few days. All these people ranges from my colleagues to random people on the streets and in mall.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Weekend Sketches 09-10

Some of my personal favorites that were done over the last two weekends.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Weekend Sketches 08

It was Sunday and I woke up late at about 12 noon, losing almost half of my day. I didn't have anything special to commit to on that day, other than finishing my "Robert McKee's "Story" book". So I took a refreshing shower, got dressed up and packed my drawing utensils and "Story"into my bag and headed for a shopping mall that I frequent every weekend.

I got a cup of hot chocolate at Starbucks, got myself a seat and started sketching people around.

I'll let the drawings do the rest of the story telling !!

Oh, and Super 8 is coming up in the theater this week and I'm SUPER excited over it !!!! I'm expecting another Spielberg classic and I can't wait to see how well the movie will do this summer !!

X-Men: First Class | Matthew Vaughn

Stardust(2007): Dunstan and Princess Una's first encounter at the Wall Market

I remember that in year 2007 when I was still in college, I was watching "Stardust" in the living room with my family one night, and there was this really cool scene at the Wall Market where Dunstan Thorne was startled by a cluster of eyeballs in a jam jar that subsequently threw their stares back at him. I was overwhelmed and blown away by the power of cg elements incorporated into real film footage, and that the amalgamation between real film footage and computer graphics were so powerful it could do almost anything to make the unbelievable look believable, and how much it could contribute to the film industry. I then turned to my dad and said, "Dad, one day I'm gonna do something just like this".

Fast-forwarding to 5 years later, Today, I'm proud to say that I'm a part of X-Men: First Class, a film directed by the great Matthew Vaughn, who also directed "Stardust", and that I'm glad to be part of this great legacy. Although I wasn't involved in a lot of shots, but I had fun working on this movie, and the hard work definitely paid of on the screen !! It was so gratifying when my name came rolling up in the end credits, seeing that I've achieved a goal ! (Note that I have many more goals ahead of me before really living a dream-come-true cliche).

Here's a short storyboard that I did after coming back from the X-Men: First Class premiere last week.

We took our(me and my colleagues from Rhythm & Hues) seats happily awaiting for the movie to start and I felt so excited cause I knew it's gonna be a kick-ass movie !!

So when the movie started, we CHEERED !!!!

I kept my concentration at a 100% so I wouldn't miss a thing, while we were all watching out for our shots.

Everybody CHEERED when somebody's shot came up and the theater was filled with screams,whistles and all sorts of noises you would expect at a football show !

Now although the majority of audience in the cinema were people from our company, there were also a few outsiders who were very annoyed by our disrespect towards the cinema.

Despite the fact that we worked on the film, they were unaware of the army of talents that were surrounding them, and we were labeled as hooligans who came to blow their excitement to smithereens. I can definitely see through their minds.
("What's wrong with all these people ?? SHUT UP ALREADY !! Can't we just enjoy the movie in peace and serenity!!?", they must be thinking), but sorry.. no can do. We had to make noises, the louder the better :D

We continued to enjoy the movie...

And be amazed by both the story and visual effects..

Until the movie ended and we cheered again !!!

We were then waiting for the end credits to roll up, and then....


The screen turned BLACK !!

Whatever happened to the credits ?? The music was playing but the credits weren't appearing !

We called for the end credits and it almost seemed like a rally ! The ending credits plays a vital part in all of us as it marks our footprint and contribution to the film industry as future film makers or whatnot and it's important that we all enjoy the moment together as a whole who worked on the movie.

A few seconds later the projector was lit again !!

And then we see our names imprinted onto the big screen !! rolling up very quickly but intense and gratifying !!

It was part of a dream come true and deep within, very close to my heart, I knew this is where I wanted to be.

I wanna be in the film industry, to connect and to entertain the people from all around the world, and that's what I'm gonna do with the rest of my life.