A Jolly-Ollie retired mom who's ready to go to school to live a life she never once had back at her childhood days.
I had her carrying with her an adult bag to tell her taste of maturity instead of a normal school bag.She's a fun character to design. I absolutely loved how she turned out!
Another interesting character I designed weeks ago.'Garcia', a hunter, but he doesn't bite.
'Javiere' , a character I designed weeks before Fontane. Look at the previous entry I posted of Fontane , there's one which you can she her dancing with Javiere.(Yes , they have this romance thingy going on within them and I'm still all over it!)
'Judge Dread', literally yes ! Trying out some loose experiment on him to bring out a more prominent side of him (Evil)
Some random sketches I decided to share.
Wow ! Am I not frigging happy to see the gray shades almost done covering all the whites !? It's like watching my own baby grow day by day.It's a pity I didn't get a snap shot of it every day or every week , but I just might start doing it in the next sketchbook.I've been focusing a lot on gestures and body language in my sketches recently , knowing that it's so darn important to breathe a life into your character.
Picked up a book recently called "Force: Character Design from Life Drawing" by Michael D. Mattesi and it teaches really good , like what to look out for in your drawings ,what to observe from your daily life and transcribing them into your own drawings , it's a really cool book ! The other book of the same artist which I didn't have yet is "Force: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators" .If you really want to be good at gesture drawing I recommend these 2 books. The 1st book improved my drawings exponentially and I really wanna thank Michael D. Mattesi for it and of course many other AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING artists out there!
And for now , many more to draw and I can't wait to get my hands on the the other book!
P.S.: I'll get a scanner as soon as I can so I could share better scans of my works rather than dull camera snaps.