Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More gesture studies, did this at the mall today and the street market was done over the weekends.

Jap Cuisine Waiter

So I went for a drink with my high school friends last Friday and it was a crazy night .. everybody was dancing around going wild and I'm sitting at one dark corner sketching the performers.Somehow I joined the fun later on...

These were done a while ago

Oh and btw ~ I'm 22 ~~~ !! Yesterday was my birthday and it was really awesome ~ Thanks everyone for the wishes,kicks and gifts , they're awesome and I love them all !! Ok , back to work - :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

More studies ~ they are a lot of fun to work on !!!

Charcoal Pencils - (gesture studies)


Something I'm workin on - In the toilet ..ready for FIXATIVE !!

Some 30mins study